Make Your Studs Proud With Earlobe Rejuvenation
Those chunky gold earrings you insisted wearing nearly every day for a whole summer, yup, those were probably the culprit. If heavy earrings mixed with aging left your lobes like that song lyric you sang a kid: “Do your ears hang low …” don’t stress. There’s a way to fix the earlobe droop chunky earrings or aging left in their wake. And it’s as easy as a syringe of fillers.
Earlobe Rejuvenation with Danielle Smith, Aesthetic Nurse Practitioner and Miami botox and filler specialist at smith & co.
Over time, the weight of heavy earrings and/or loss of collagen because of aging can weigh your earlobes down, causing the skin to sag and lose volume. Oftentimes, it makes earlobes lose elasticity, causing “sagging”, “flat” or “droopy” earlobes, which can also make wearing earrings difficult. If this is something you’ve experienced, stop hiding your ears behind your hair. It’s time for a lobe lift. Danielle Smith, Aesthetic Nurse Practitioner and Miami botox and filler specialist at Smith & Co. is ready to help you make your studs proud again with earlobe restoration.
Danielle Smith’s earlobe restoration is designed to replenish your earlobe volume loss. smith & co.’s earlobe rejuvenation procedure is simple and uses dermal fillers to restore volume loss. While each patient varies in their specific needs, Danielle Smith will work with you to develop a treatment plan that best meets your needs.
Earlobe Rejuvenation with Danielle Smith, Aesthetic Nurse Practitioner and Miami botox and filler specialist at smith & co.
Who is a good candidate for earlobe rejuvenation?
Anyone experiencing volume loss that causes sagging, drooping or a flat appearance to their earlobes is a candidate for earlobe rejuvenation. While this is a natural part of aging, earrings that lack a good backing can speed up the process.
What if I have torn earlobes?
Patients experiencing a torn earlobe will require a simple surgical repair. Dermal fillers to re-volumize the earlobe may be required after the simple surgical repair.
Treatment options for drooping earlobes
Danielle Smith, Miami Aesthetic Nurse Practitioner, uses dermal filler for earlobe rejuvenation. This procedure can be completed in as little as one treatment session. Dermal fillers used will vary based on the patient’s needs. The amount of volume loss you have experienced will determine the amount of volume replacement you require. Your specific needs and expectations will determine the course of your treatment plan. Danielle Smith NP will work with you to develop a plan that works best for your earlobes.
Pre-Procedure Instructions for Earlobe Rejuvenation
If you are considering earlobe rejuvenation in Miami Beach, Danielle Smith, NP and Miami botox and filler specialist at Smith & Co., can complete the procedure at the time of your consultation. To ensure you are ready for your appointment with Danielle Smith NP, make sure you have not consumed any Aspirin-containing products prior to the procedure. If you have to take Aspirin due to a medical condition do not stop taking it until you speak with Danielle Smith NP first. Avoid drinking alcohol, especially red wine, one week prior to your procedure to help minimize bruising.
You should bring a list of your current medications to your appointment and be prepared to provide a brief overview of your past medical history. For other appointments, if you have a specific request regarding your chest/ cleavage rejuvenation, be ready to address these (ie, fine lines, sagging skin, deep folds, sun spots, or discoloration). At the time of your appointment Danielle will discuss your treatment options with you to best accomplish your desired results while maintaining an overall aesthetic balance.
Post-procedure instructions
Immediately after the procedure, you can expect mild tenderness and swelling to your earlobes. The tenderness and swelling will subside in a few days. Patients who are considered easy bruisers or who take blood thinners may experience some mild bruising, these too will resolve on their own in a few days. To speed up your recovery you can take Arnica supplements right before and for a few days after the procedure. Danielle Smith NP has done extensive research on the effects of Arnica on the reduction of post-procedure bruising, swelling and pain and offers supplements for purchase on site if you forget to pick some up. Danielle Smith NP recommends avoid touching your ears as much as possible and earrings are not permitted for around six weeks. You can resume your normal activities the next day. It is OK to use makeup, moisturizer or sunscreen over that area, but try not to be too aggressive in your application.
Follow-up expectations
Danielle Smith, Aesthetic Nurse Practitioner and Miami botox and filler specialist at smith & co. has all of her patients follow up in two weeks to evaluate your results and ensure you are completely satisfied with the procedure and take your post-procedure photos. Should touch ups be required they would be performed at this time.
Earlobe Rejuvenation with Danielle Smith, Aesthetic Nurse Practitioner and Miami botox and filler specialist at smith & co.